Political Consulting and campaign management
Election Impact Group
Theodore Roosevelt
Lead Consultant Howie Morgan
If you have ever worked on a campaign before, you know that winning is certainly better than losing. And in today's highly competitive electoral matches it is those candidates who have prepared themselves and their teams with experienced professional help that make it to the finish line as a winner.
Whether you are running for City Council or the US Congress, Election Impact Group has assembled a team of experts that can help you in your race. From initial consultations to decide on whether you should run, all the way up to day to day campaign management of a fully integrated effort incorporating modern day technology on the web, fundraising, polling, opposition research, campaign strategy, direct mail, media buying, and GOTV - we have done it all!
Don't be caught halfway into a campaign and only then realize you need help. Contact us today to see why it is important to meet with us to make sure your election dream is a success.
In 2023 we moved a client down 24 points to an 8 point win - a 32 point swing - in just 10 days. The district was 1/3 of the state with 134,000 Republican primary voters. It was the biggest upset in the state that year.
In 2017 we created the organization for a US Senate candidate in Arizona that allowed her to raise over $2 million in her 2018 race.
In 2016 we raised $1.1 million for a rookie US Congressional candidate in Louisiana in just five months.
In 2014 we beat sitting House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and his $5 million in spending with just $40,000 in paid media for Dave Brat. We were the only political consultant on staff at the end of that campaign. It was the biggest political upset in American history at that point.
In 2006 in a 5 way GOP primary in Tennessee we moved our candidate from 16% in the polls to 65% on Election Day in just 30 days - a 49 point swing.
In 2005 we raised $1.1 million for a third party candidate in a 120 day race for Congress in California, moved public opinion 36 points in just two weeks, and got the largest percentage for a third party candidate in a 3 way race in over 40 years.
In 2002 we won a 7 way GOP Primary for Congress for Marsha Blackburn in Tennessee in a race in which we raised over $400,000 in 90 days.